Registration and Abstract Submissions for Permian Conference August 12-14 2024. COMING SOON
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Past Events

ESG and Sustainability Operators Panel

2020-11-23 | 10:30 am PST


Panelists discussed how the emphasis on ESG and sustainability has influenced produced water management and operations priorities, giving their perspective as representatives of some of those most significant operating companies in the industry.

Moderators: Lisa Henthorne, PWS President & Steve Coffee, PWS Vice President. Brian Kuh, Senior Foreman, WPX Energy. Karen Work, Water Management Supervisor, ConocoPhillips. Joseph de Almeida, Director of Water Strategy and Technology, Occidental. Kirsten Towne, Process Engineer, Chevron.

PWS Technology Focus – Membrane Treatment Technologies

2021-10-29 | 10:30 am PST


The second of two webinars hosted during ‘Technology Focus Month’, featuring speakers from Swirltex Technologies and Pacifica Water Solutions discussing membrane treatment technologies.

PWS Technology Focus – Brine Management

2020-11-23 | 10:30 am PST


The first of two webinars hosted during ‘Technology Focus Month’, featuring speakers from Heartland Water Technology and HyQ Technologies discussing brine concentration technologies.

Produced Water Recycling, a Common Quality Specification

2021-10-29 | 10:30 am PST


Presented by PWS Board Member Morris Hoagland, and moderated by PWS President Lisa Henthorne, and Vice President Steve Coffee, the webinar introduced the results of a year long consultation which seeks to create standardized guidelines for produced water quality. Morris’ presentation describes the parameters suggested for specifying clean brine quality to be used as a source water for hydraulic fracturing operations.

Morris Hoagland is the Director of Jade Dragon LLC and has been working in the oil & gas and chemical process industries for over 40 years, specializing in environmental sciences.

Money in Water Post-Meltdown

2020-11-23 | 10:30 am PST


Presented by PWS contributor Laura Capper and moderated by PWS President Lisa Henthorne, the Money in Water Post-Meltdown webinar compared and contrasted the three sub-basins in the Permian, drilling down into: water balances, trends, and impacts from disposal well constraints, seismicity, and regulatory policies, across a variety of completion scenarios to shed light on the next twelve months.

Laura has provided strategic services to Oil and Gas company stakeholders since 1994 through consulting firms CAP Resources and EnergyMakers, supporting over $6B in industry transactions for advanced technologies and services. Following the presentation, we opened the floor for a Q&A session.

Managing Produced Water in a Turbulent Market

2021-10-29 | 10:30 am PST


Presented by PWS Board Member Brent Halldorson, and introduced by PWS President Lisa Henthorne, the Managing Produced Water in a Turbulent Water webinar addressed different strategies, including cost management approaches, for dealing with industry turbulence, both for company management and also for individuals.

With over 25 years of experience in the produced water industry, Brent’s presentation examines the techniques and policies that have helped businesses survive industry crashes, and those that did not. Following the presentation, we opened the floor for a Q&A session.