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Contact Form Demo (#4)

Suggested Topics

(offshore and conventional subject matter abstracts will be given priority)

  • Technology & Innovation
  • Treatment, Reuse, & Disposal (including many treatments, & injections ex.: desalination, evaporation, etc.)
  • Capex & Opex optimization (including chemical efficiency & cost reduction)
  • Energy Efficiency & Environmental Protection (covers ES part of ESG)
  • Offshore challenges & opportunities
  • Regulatory: Now and Forecasted (G in ESG)

Writing an Abstract for the Produced Water Society

An abstract will be a concise description of the presentation you expect to give to the PWS. It should be one, but no more than two paragraphs (150-250 words).

The first sentence or two should be a brief summary of the presentation. The body of the abstract describes the chronological parts of the presentation.

An abstract should include a statement of the problem you are trying to solve, the methods used to find the solution, and the results and the implications of your findings.
At the bottom of the abstract, list three or four takeaways in bullets that the listener to the presentation will expect to get. For example:

  • Field data
  • Technology demonstration
  • Process optimization
  • Cost reduction
  • ESG impact

Additional Information
Presentations should be data-driven and avoid commercial content
Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.

  • Abstracts should summarize the research, findings, and importance to the industry of the technology or data being presented.
  • All presenters, speakers, and authors must create an account on before being able to submit an abstract.
  • All presenters will have 20 minutes to present. The session will conclude with a Q&A, which all presenters are expected to attend.
  • Presenters are expected to register and log in to the Whova app and respond to any questions not covered on stage.
  • Presenters are encouraged to stay for networking breaks after their session to meet with attendees.
  • Presenting virtually is an option for those that are unable to travel to the event in-person.

Abstracts for this event must submitted via the form below by November 17, 2023.

Abstract Submission Form

Please Log-In to submit an abstract !!!