Stopping H2S at the Source: Green Technology for Eliminating H2S from Petroleum Industry Aqueous System
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Guidelines for the Selection of a Waterflood Deoxygenation Strategy
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Produced Water Technology Development
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What determines the water quality we inject and what strategy do we have if the water quality falls outside the specification?
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Streamlining Cost Through Use of Best Practices and Optimization of Secondary Factors
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Challenges and Evolution of Energy Water Consumption in the Permian
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Scale Mangement: Learning from the past and present to reduce costs in the future
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Hunting For Efficiency –10 Days to Hit A 50% Separation Improvement
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First Time Ever: Satellite Imagery Analytics of Full Permian Basin Frac Pond and Well Pad Development Activity, 2016 to Present on a Weekly Basis
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Water Wars and the Texas-New Mexico Border: Are They (Really) Warranted?
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