New Technology to Remove and Prevent H2S in Produced Water
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Biological Treatment Produced Water for Removal of Water Soluble Organics
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Mechanisms and Field Performance of 9, 10-Anthraquinone as a Biogenic Sulfide Inhibitor
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The Use of Nitrite as a Low Toxicity Agent to Control Biofouling in Produced Waters
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Microbial Management to Improve OBW Discharge, H2O Injection and H2O Reuse
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Managing Bacteria and Scaling Issues in Produced Water – Taking Control at the Source
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Extreme Microbes in Shales; A Potential Source for Enhanced Production
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The Impact of Sludge in Treatment of Flowback/Produced Water with Chlorine Dioxide: a Case History
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Micro-managing Oilfield Produced Water
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Biological Growth in Frac Water Delivery Systems –A Case Study
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