Case Study of Scale Control: CaSO4 Seeded Slurry Brine Concentrators and Two Produced Water Evaporator Technologies
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Field Studies: Oxidative Chemistries in Impoundments and Frac Fluids
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An Unmanned Approach for the Optimization of a Chemical Injection Program at a Salt Water Disposal Facility
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Enhanced Removal of Suspended Solids and Residual Oil in Produced Water by Chlorine Dioxide
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Activated Carbon Nanopowder Solar-Enabled Purification of Produced Water
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Electro Oxidation Treatment for Recycle & Reuse of Flow back and Produced Water
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An Innovative Approach to Improve Water Quality
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Performance and Cost of Treating Flowback and Produced Water to Surface Dischard Standards
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Chemical Treatment of Produced Water SWD Wells with CIO2, CnF, and HCL
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ClO2Treatment of Oilfield Waterflood Injection Pipelines: A Field Study
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