Environmental Offshore Services – Produced Water Polishing Systems
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Comparison of Hexane and DuPont Vertrel MCA as Extraction Solvents In the Analysis of Oil in Produced Water Using EPA Method 1664 and the Wilks Model HATR Infracal Analyzer
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Optical Methods for On-Line Monitoring of Oil in Produced Water with Emphasis on UV Fluorescence
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Corrosion in Produced Water Systems
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Improving the Performance of a Water Clarifier to Overcome Typical Changes in Oilfield Production Systems
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Acrolein: A Cost Effective Solution for Iron Sulfide and Hydrogen Sulfide in Produced Waters
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Effects of pH, Salt Concentration & Injected Particle Concentration on Zeta Potential and Core-flood Experiments
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Modification of Old Flotation Units Using a Flotation Pump
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Treating the Whole System
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Treating Produced Water: Back to Basics
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