Proposed Methodologies for Removing the Water Soluble Organic Components from Aqueous Brine Produced with Crude Oil
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Continuous Activated Carbon System with Onsite Reactivation for Produced Water treatment
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Biological Treatment Produced Water for Removal of Water Soluble Organics
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Oil in Water Analysis by Hexane Extraction from a Laboratory Point of View
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Overview of Downhole Oil/Water Separator (DOWS) Technology
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Total System Design for the Treatment of Produced Water & Open Drains on Offshore Production Facilities
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Enhanced Soluble Organics Removal from Produced Water
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Enhancements to Gravity Separation Equipment
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Methods for the Analysis of Oil and Grease and their Application to Produced Water from Oil and Gas Production Operations
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Oil Removal from Produced Water with Organoclay on a Platform near China
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