Design of an Equalization Basin as an Optimization Component of an Oil/Water Separation Process
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Towards Optimizing Rotating Membrane Disk Filters Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Development of Highly Efficient Technology for Oil/Water Separation Using Fine Mesh Screens
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Quiet Nozzles – A Mechanical Approach to Good Produced Water
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Oil in Water Monitoring: New “Solvent-Free” Methods for Measuring Oil in Produced Water
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Comparison of Hexane and DuPont Vertrel MCA as Extraction Solvents In the Analysis of Oil in Produced Water Using EPA Method 1664 and the Wilks Model HATR Infracal Analyzer
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Oil Removal from Produced Water with Organoclay on a Platform near China
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The Use of Black Walnut Shell Filter Technology For the Treatment of Produced Water
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Downhole Oil/Water Separators – What’s New?
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Produced Water treatment for Combined Oil and Sand Removal
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