Mechanisms and Field Performance of 9, 10-Anthraquinone as a Biogenic Sulfide Inhibitor
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BP Water Management Challenges in Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Operations
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The Dos and Don’ts of Environmental Issues Associated with the Handling of Produced Water from Coalbed Natural Gas (CNG),
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Filtrameter- a continuous online monitor of filer effectivness
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Water Quality Requirements for Disposal
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Produced Water Process Monitoring – Part 1. MSA Plus, a Statistical Tool for the Evaluation of Oil-in-Water Measurement Methods
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Implications of Sea Water Injection on Sour Production
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On-Line Produced Water Monitoring with the TD-4100 XD: Maintenance Issues, Care and Feeding, Lesssons Learned
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Updates on Fluorescence Monitoring of Produced Water
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Water Management Capability – A Global Business Issue
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