Towards Optimizing Rotating Membrane Disk Filters Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Novel Vertical Column Flotation Design for Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Floating Structures
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CFD Simulation of a Vertical Induced Static Flotation Vessel
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Induced Gas Flotation (IGF) within an API Skim Tank – A Case Study of Design Approach and Results
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Effect of Internal Baffles on volumetric utilization of a FWKO – A CFD Evaluation
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The Use of Micro Bubble Flotation Technology on FPSO Vessels
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Debottlenecking and CFD Studies of High and Low Pressure Production Separators
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Effects of Transverse and Longitudinal Baffles in Suppressing Wave Induced Sloshing Motion of A Separator
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Produced Water Unit Operation Optimization through Simulation
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Get Inline: Continuous, Instant, Concurrent, Three Phase Separation
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