Continuous-Dosage Chlorine Dioxide Treatment for Oilfield Waters: Cost-effective Management of Bacteria in Produced and Injected Water
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Chlorine Dioxide: The Effectient Molecuel; Overview and Applications
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An Unmanned Approach for the Optimization of a Chemical Injection Program at a Salt Water Disposal Facility
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Enhanced Removal of Suspended Solids and Residual Oil in Produced Water by Chlorine Dioxide
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The Impact of Sludge in Treatment of Flowback/Produced Water with Chlorine Dioxide: a Case History
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Chemical Treatment of Produced Water SWD Wells with CIO2, CnF, and HCL
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ClO2Treatment of Oilfield Waterflood Injection Pipelines: A Field Study
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Common Misconceptions about ClO2 Generation
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Improving Safety in Produced Water Treatment and the Application of Chlorine Dioxide
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