Round Table Speakers

"Osmotically assisted reverse osmosis (OARO) – A lower cost alternative to evaporative brine concentrators to reduce injection volumes and enable beneficial reuse of produced water"

Ben Tucker

Saltworks Technologies
Produced Water Recycling and Evaporation Facilities

Neil Nowak

SCS Engineers
Harnessing Physics for Efficient Produced Water Aeration: A Case Study in Subsurface Venturi Injection Systems

Jim White

Mazzei Injector
PWT using advanced mechanical low shear technology

Andy Little

Mokveld Valves
Application of Nanomaterials for the removal of dissolved compounds from Produced Water: A Review

Lathika Varanasi

Roux Associates
Mitigating the Induced Seismicity Response from the Source.

Norman Wells

Berger Geosciences, LLC
Breakthroughs Enabled by Ultrafiltration: Economical Commercial Desalination, Radiation Control, and Critical Mineral Extraction

Brian Mueller

Razorback Direct
Risk Based Assessment of Produced Water with Reference to OSPAR Regulations

Kirit Wadhia

Advancing Produced Water Management: Biological Oxidation for Effective Treatment

Karan Dinesh Shah

Case Study: Cost-Efficient De-oiling of SAGD Water

Steinar Asdahl

Stauper WaterTech
Prevent an Environmental Disaster with Demand Response

Christina Finizio

Capabilities of In-Situ Generated Stannous Oxide as a Germicidal Means for Produced Water Treatment

Keith McLeroy

Getting to know your water: Free, Dissolved and Total Oil in water. What does it mean

Chip Westaby

The Importance of Measuring Oil Droplet Size in Produced Water… and how to do it!

Tod Canty

JM Canty, Inc.
Capabilities of In-Situ Generated Stannous Oxide as a Germicidal Means for Produced Water Treatment

Sean Burke

Technological Advancements to Address Client Partners’ Key Challenges

Fady Rizk

utilizing high-efficiency multistage pumps in produced water applications

Matt Walls

Produced Water Treatment as a Service: Creative Business Models Combined with Innovative Technologies

Garrett Asbury

Produced Water Treatment as a Service: Creative Business Models Combined with Innovative Technologies

Todd Hathaway

Low-Cost Distillation of Produced Water Using the Wiped-Film Rotating-Disk Evaporator Technology

Maher Tleimat

Water Reuse Technology